


Plastic Slat Flooring Solution

Plastic slat flooringsystems are the perfect choice for installing under cages or pens in farrowing environments. They offer essential benefits for maintaining animal cleanliness and comfort, without causing harm to sows' nipples or piglets' hooves.

The innovative design of the interconnected ribs ensures optimal strength and durability, while the non-slip profiles on the surface guarantee efficient drainage and enhanced traction.

Key Features:

Exceptional durability and resilience.

Easy-to-clean and disinfect, promoting hygiene.

Rapid drying and superior drainage capabilities.

Reduces heat loss through contact.

Smooth surface that doesn't harm animals' shoulders or nipples.

Optimal grip for piglets to nurse without damaging hooves or knees.

Paired interconnected ribs for increased strength.

Efficient and cost-effective assembly and transportation.

Customizable color options to meet various requirements.

Plastic slat flooring offers a comprehensive solution that prioritizes animal well-being, hygiene, and ease of use. Its innovative design ensures enhanced durability and performance, making it a smart choice for modern farming operations.